Primary Years Programme
AaIS Primary School is open to students aged 6 to 11. In addition to meeting Norwegian national requirements, AaIS is currently an authorized International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP) school. This means that students participate in a rigorous education with lessons taught in English while also receiving equivalent Norwegian language lessons.
The Primary Years Programme is a challenging framework with a constructivist, inquiry approach to teaching, learning and assessing. Students in the PYP make practical connections between their studies and the real world. Students who complete the PYP are well-prepared to undertake the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) which AaIS also offers. Find out more about the PYP.
At AaIS, our Programme of Inquiry (PoI) is balanced across six transdisciplinary themes; Who we are, Where we are in place and time, How we express ourselves, How we organize ourselves, How the world works and Sharing the planet. Students are actively engaged in developmentally appropriate Units of Inquiry (UoI). Authentically embedded within each of these themes, are the traditional disciplines/subjects Arts (Visual, Performing (dance, music, drama)), Information Communication Technology (ICT), Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Language (English, Norwegian), Personal, Social and Physical Education. Through the inquiry approach these subjects provide a broad and balanced education for our students. Find out more about the PYP curriculum.

In addition to following the PYP curriculum, AaIS also ensures that students meet the requirements of the Norwegian government. After completing Year 10 at our school, students will be able to successfully apply to Norwegian secondary schools (videregående skole). Find out more about the Norwegian curriculum Kunnskapsløftet.
At AaIS we aim to develop inquiring students in a safe, supportive and challenging environment. In Primary School this means smaller classes, differentiated learning and a school programme that works towards students independently knowing how to transfer concepts, knowledge and skills in settings both in and outside of school. Students are encouraged to question and evaluate information, and to learn to combine relevant knowledge, experience and logical thinking to solve problems.
Most importantly, at AaIS we are proud to say we have a diverse group of students, in an inclusive social environment.